20 years of experience and knowledge in the submetering industry. Experts in maintaining your sites automatic metering equipment effectively and efficiently to get your properties up to speed.



Meter1Solutions offers affordable and fair pricing on installs, service work, site surveys, and manual reads. Don't let you failing systems keep you from recovering your properties total consumption.


Accommodating Denver, Colorado Springs, and Fort Collins areas as well as surrounding states.

Property types

Multi Family

Helping multi family properties improve their utility management systems.

Installing submeters in commercial properties to accurately measure utility consumption.

aerial view of green grass field near lake and mountain during daytime
aerial view of green grass field near lake and mountain during daytime
Mobile Home Parks

Providing submetering solutions for mobile home parks to ensure fair utility billing.


Assisting HOA properties in implementing submetering systems for better utility management.


Installing submeters in condo properties to accurately measure utility consumption.